*Update 3/18/2020 – Our office is working remotely. However, families can still call the office at (775) 825-0888 to receive assistance. At this time, our team is making every effort to ensure local children battling cancer and their families receive the financial support and resources they need today, tomorrow, and until they are cancer free. Thanks to our incredible community and their support throughout the year, we are able to continue to serve our families at full capacity.*
Dear NNCCF community,
We are modifying our open-door policy due to the recent development with the coronavirus (COVID-19). Our office will continue to operate Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm, however by appointment only for families, donors, supporters, etc.
We will not limit our services to families in any way, but our goal is to limit direct contact with families and children who may have compromised immune systems. The health of our families, children, staff, and community is our highest priority.
Please consult your healthcare provider and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for any additional questions regarding influenza or other respiratory illnesses.
It is our promise to keep you updated on any changes to our appointment-only policy as we continue to monitor the situation.
NNCCF families, please contact Brigette@nvchildrenscancer.org to make an appointment.
For all other appointments or questions, email Shirley@nvchildrenscancer.org or call the NNCCF office (775) 825-0888.
Thank you for your understanding,
Shirley Folkins-Roberts
Executive Director