Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation
3550 Barron Way #9a • Reno, Nevada 89511
Fall 2022 Newsletter


Dozers & Dirt, a one-of-a-kind experience!








The northern Nevada construction and trade industries came together on September 24th to share their knowledge with the public, their friends and families, and our youngest cancer warriors. Dozers & Dirt is a unique event where children are invited into the cab of heavy construction equipment to learn how to operate excavators, loaders, scissor lifts, haul trucks, and bulldozers!

Several local childhood cancer fighters and survivors were in attendance at the event, including Emma. She was interviewed by one of our local media outlets during the event and shared her joy for seeing so many kids get to learn a fun new skill.

We want to thank our event sponsors, volunteers, vendors, first responders, and especially our equipment operators for their support of Dozers & Dirt!

Special thanks to our event committee: Brian Barger, Brian Dosh, Dana Taylor, Eric Pender, Eric Schacht, Jared Hosefros, Jeff McCaskill, Jesse Steverman, Jessica Hiatt, Joe Vietti, Kevin Linderman, Leslie Skinner, Liane Cinkovich, Megan Noin, Mike Soukup, Molly Dillon, Ron Brooks, Russ Pedersen, Sawyer Bullock, Seth Alexander, Shirley Folkins-Roberts, Stacia Calvillo, Tamara Dethmers, Tony Guerra, Ty Rogers, and Victoria Mason.


The Reno Arch was lit GOLD for the month of September for the second year!



September was Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and one of many events aimed at spreading awareness for the disease was the second annual lighting of the Reno Arch. Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation was proud to host families, supporters, members of our fire and law enforcement agencies, and our medical community and city council representatives. We were joined by Nevada Wolf Pack Football and Cheer, who helped our countdown to the lighting on the evening of September 1st.




Pulling for our Little Heroes, like Sawyer



On September 10th, Pulling for our Little Heroes celebrated its 10th year. Weightlifting and Crossfit enthusiasts compete in rigorous workouts named after some amazing young heroes battling cancer. Teams of four battled it out in an incredible show of endurance and solidarity for the battle children with cancer fight every day.

One of these little heroes is Sawyer, whose family has been participating in the Pulling for our Little Heroes event for several years to help support northern Nevada’s youngest cancer warriors. Still, this year the event was more personal. In 2021 he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, underwent several surgeries, and is now being seen regularly for follow-up care. This year we were presented a check for over $65,000, and the event has raised nearly $400,000 in ten years! Thank you to all the event organizers and athletes for ten years of support to NNCCF and for continuing to pull for our little heroes.





Meet Jessica


Jessica was born and raised in Reno, NV, where she graduated from Wooster High School and the University of Nevada, Reno. As the Events Manager, she will specialize in NNCCFs signature, community partner, and family events, as well as help represent NNCCF within the community to steward donor relationships. When she’s not working, she enjoys watching the Green Bay Packers, skiing at Mt. Rose, traveling, and spending time with her dogs, friends, and family.

Know the Gold Campaign: A Huge Success!

Last February, Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation celebrated its 11th annual Know the Gold fundraiser and radiothon hosted at Scheels in partnership with Cumulus Media. The event marked a special occasion, as it was the finale to the six month long Know the Gold fundraising campaign with a goal of $500,000 to be matched by the William N. Pennington Foundation. Our supporters topped all records and exceeded the goal by $105,000 thanks to the last minute additional matching goal from Panattoni Development, Alston Construction     and an anonymous donor.

Know the Gold is a grassroots community fundraising campaign made of up small and large donations. This year it included funds from a Christmas-themed horse show, a magic show, a black- jack tournament, a wrestling tournament, lemonade stands, and more! We cannot thank this incredible community enough for all they do to support us and each of you who helped us reach and exceed our goal. In twenty years, NNCCF has provided $5.6 million dollars in direct financial assistance to local children battling cancer. Donations to NNCCF assist Northern Nevada families by alleviating the financial and emotional burden of cancer treatments, travel costs, medical debt and loss of income.

Holidays at NNCCF

NNCCF received an incredible amount of support over the holiday season. We kicked off December 2021 with our annual Hope for the Holidays event. Thanks to 34 sponsors, we spread holiday cheer to 37 families and provided immense relief to families with the knowledge that there would be presents under the tree come Christmas morning.

Santa and Mrs. Claus came to visit for our Holiday Drive-Thru that was held outside of the NNCCF building. Thirty families received big Santa bags to take home, all while being greeted by Olaf, Rudolph and the Reno Fire Department Engine 6. Learning Express was incredible during the holidays! Between sending characters to a celebration for one of our Angels, assisting Santa during the Holiday Drive-Thru, leading a toy drive for our NNCCF kids and providing a generous cash donation – these dynamic ladies did a ton for providing help, hope, and courage to our youngest cancer warriors.

December also brought a visit from our special friend, Willie, who has donated truckloads of toys to our organization for years. Thank you to wonderful Willie. We appreciate all the happiness her gifts brought to our kiddos. Being able to see our families in person after the long-awaited visits due to COVID-19 precautions was a tremendous gift to our staff members. Spreading holiday cheer and putting smiles on our cancer warriors’ faces put so much joy in our hearts. Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated and made all of the Winter events possible!

Meet Emma

The author of “Holidays at NNCCF” article, Emma Johnson, joined the NNCCF team as our marketing intern in November 2021. This UNR sophomore isn’t a stranger to NNCCF as she’s been with us since 2016 when she was first diagnosed with both brain and spine cancer. Emma’s conquered cancer twice and aims to coach a university-level women’s basketball team someday. We love having Emma’s perspective, creativity, enthusiasm, and hard work on our team – THANK YOU, Emma!


Save the Date!
Take a Swing at Childhood Cancer
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at Greater Nevada Field

Summer 2022 Newsletter

The Inaugural Take a Swing at Childhood Cancer was a hit!

Baseball fans and childhood cancer advocates joined together at Greater Nevada Field on June 22nd for an evening baseball extravaganza! Supporters played catch on the field where the Reno Aces play, got to shake hands and hear baseball stories from Mike Krukow, enjoyed an elevated ballpark dinner, and helped raise funds for northern Nevada’s youngest cancer warriors. The homerun derby wowed spectators as local legends battled it out, and we ended the night with a spectacular fireworks show. Local childhood cancer dad and Nevada Baseball Alum, Don Price, competed in the homerun derby and also took the stage to share his family’s experience after his son, Brady, was diagnosed with leukemia and received support from NNCCF. It was an honor to have Brady in the house to help shag balls during the derby and even autograph a bat for our winner, Blake Lalli, who hit eight homeruns!



Jayden is on to new adventures!

Jayden is a funny and charismatic young man who beat cancer in 2019! He stopped by the NNCCF office for a visit recently to tell us all about his new adventures. He is a recipient of the Inspire Scholarship and is attending Western Nevada College for a degree in Fire Science. This summer he is volunteering as a rookie fire fighter for Carson City District BLM. We are so proud of Jayden and can’t wait to see what fun lies ahead for him!


Did you know about these ways to give?

Smiths Inspiring DonationsAmazon Smile Logo - EcologisticsAmazonSmile is a way to give to your favorite charitable organization every time you shop with Amazon. When you shop using AmazonSmile, you’ll find the same Amazon storefront you know and love, with the added bonus that they will donate a portion of every purchase to the charity of your choice at no additional cost. Visit to get registered and select NNCCF! The Smith’s Inspiring Donations program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do every day; all you have to do is shop at Smith’s and swipe your Shopper’s Card. Visit and sign in to select NNCCF under ‘Inspiring Donations’!


Highlighting our Hero, Brooklynn

Brooklynn is a creative, kind 16-year-old girl diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma. Brooklynn, her mother, and her sister live in rural Nevada and travel to Reno for her weekly chemotherapy treatments. She recently had surgery to remove a tumor and is recovering with poise. Another year of chemo treatment and this beautiful soul will kick this cancer to the curb! This young lady is close with her family and is always wearing the prettiest earrings and outfits. She doesn’t let her diagnosis get in the way of her fashion or positive attitude. She is always a joy to be around, and it’s hard not to feel the warmth of her heart when she is near. This family has a difficult road ahead, but this young lady continues to battle cancer with grace and optimism.




We hit a huge milestone!

NNCCF is dedicated to serving each family individually and strives to alleviate the financial and emotional strain that follows a cancer diagnosis. Since inception, the foundation has helped northern Nevada families with $7 million in direct financial assistance. We thank our community for your unwavering support of our youngest cancer warriors!


Community Partner Spotlight

On May 25th, the North Lyon County Firefighters put on a different uniform. The team took over as servers at the Black Bear Diner in Fernley, NV and graciously donated tips earned during the dinner rush! It was a blast to watch the community show up and put them to work. When asked what they thought of the event they said, “We had so much fun working with NNCCF. It was our pleasure helping local children and their families in need during the worst times of their life. We look forward to making this an annual event! ”





“3, 2, 1, Ring that Bell Amelia!”


Amelia is a kind little girl who was diagnosed with leukemia at age four. She loves playing with her brothers and sisters, and especially loves dolls and playing dress-up. This little warrior princess endured three years of treatment and in July of 2022 she conquered her battle with cancer and rang the No More Chemo Bell surrounded by friends and family! The Bell Ringing pays tribute to the hard journey Amelia has faced and is an important milestone signifying the end of treatment for her and her family.



Staff Updates

Please help us congratulate Holly Aycock as she takes on the roll of Executive Director, we are thrilled to have her expertise and leadership. Holly joined NNCCF in 2021 after retiring from a 20 year career at the University of Nevada, Reno in the Athletics Department. Also, please help us welcome back Brigette Cole as she returns to her role as Programs & Services/Assistant Executive Director after a year-long sabbatical full of travel and time spent with family- ask her about Italy next time you see her!





Save the Date!

Tournament of Hope
August 29, 2022
Montreux Golf and Country Club

Arch Lighting Ceremony
September 1, 2022, 6pm
Reno Arch, 345 N. Virginia St.

Dozers & Dirt
September 24, 2022
Rilite Aggregate Pit

Natalia’s Night
September 28, 2022
Various Locations

Thank you Annual Sponsors!

Alston Construction | Ames Construction | Bonanno Concrete, Inc. | Capital Glass, Inc. | Cashman Equipment | CBRE | Ferroni Foundation, Inc. | Granite Construction | J.A.G. Plumbing MDB Trucking | MN|G | Panattoni Development | Panelized Structures, Inc. | Renown Health Foundation | The Roberts Family | Saint Mary’s Fitness Center | Sierra Nevada Construction | Tectonics Design Group | Turner Construction | The Medical Profession The Phillips Family Foundation | The Row | Umpqua Bank | Vasko Electric, Inc. | Victory Woodworks | Washoe County Sheriff’s Office | Wood Rodgers



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Know the Gold Campaign

January 27, 2023, was the finale of our Know the Gold Campaign. This 6-month campaign started September 1, 2022, when we lit the Reno Arch Gold for childhood cancer awareness month. Our goal was to raise $500,000 as the William N. Pennington Foundation would match donations dollar-fordollar up to $500,000. We not only hit our goal, | 775-825-0888 | @nvkidscancer | info@nvchildrenscancer.orgbut surpassed it because of this fantastic community. More than 1,200 donors made this possible. Thank you to everyone who helped our efforts these last six months. You hosted golf tournaments, weightlifting and fitness competitions, coin drives, lemonade stands and helped raise awareness. Because of you, we are able to provide financial and emotional support for children with cancer in northern Nevada. Thank you to our sponsors, including Scheels, KBUL 98.1, KOH 780 News Talk, Wild 102.9, and 95.5 The Vibe. Most importantly, thank you to the William N. Pennington Foundation!










Celebrating the Holidays NNCCF Style

The NNCCF team is still reveling in the joy that was had during the holidays. Thank you to everyone who sponsored a family during the 2022 Hope for the Holidays program. We are grateful to our northern Nevada community for making this holiday season so special for young childhood cancer warriors and their families. Thirty-one sponsors adopted families and helped give the joy of the season to 44 families with a new diagnosis and in active treatment. The sponsors ensured that everyone in the house received gifts beautifully wrapped under the tree.









Community Partner Spotlight

On February 1st, 2023, Bethlehem Lutheran School invited NNCCF to Carson City to celebrate their 7th Annual Penny Wars. The students have held this friendly competition since 2017; each grade competes against the other for pride and bragging rights. The class totals are determined by students depositing pennies in their class jar for a positive addition to their total, and silver change into other classes to drop their total negatively. Since this tradition began, Bethlehem Lutheran School has raised more than $34,000 for childhood cancer warriors and proves that every penny counts. When asked what hosting this event means to the school, the staff and students said, “Hearing the results of our week of fundraising is the highlight of our year and our National Lutheran Schools Week celebration.” This annual event is an excellent example of an NNCCF community partner. We love to see kids helping kids!

To become a community partner contact:

The 2nd Annual Take a Swing at Childhood Cancer was a huge success!

A little rain was not enough to slow down the fun at the 2nd Annual Take a Swing at Childhood Cancer. NNCCF families reveled in the chance to mingle with former major leaguers, Reno Aces players, and Nevada Wolf Pack players and alums. San Francisco Giants broadcaster and all-star pitcher Mike Krukow warmed up the crowd with stories from his career and personal life. Former Nevada Wolf Pack softball star Britton Murdock Nunn surprised the field by winning the Home Run Derby. A silent auction and dazzling fireworks show capped off this successful evening. Our thanks to everyone who braved the weather and supported the show. NNCCF was pleased to host 50 tables for the event.

It’s always a treat when a diehard baseball fan meets his idol. Such was the case at the NNCCF Take a Swing at Childhood Cancer event, when 25-year-old Ian met with San Francisco Giants broadcaster and former all-star pitcher Mike Krukow. Ian, a Down Syndrome warrior who was recently diagnosed with leukemia, has not let this interfere with his love of baseball. He is a San Francisco Giants super-fan and keeps track of all their players, statistics, and games. He is also an alum of UNR’s Path to Independence program. Our thanks to Ian for throwing the first pitch and to Mike Krukow for making Ian’s night so special!











On June 19th, the NNCCF team awarded Inspire Scholarships to 28 young cancer warriors. The scholarships will support their continued college, trade, or vocational education. Each of these winners wrote essays about how their experience with cancer impacted the pursuit of both their academic and personal goals. The result was an inspirational collection of stories that demonstrated the courage, determination, and hard work of these amazing young people. We are grateful to all the donors who made these scholarships possible. We look forward to watching these winners continue to work towards their dreams!









Community Partner Spotlight

Hats off to The 395 Craft Beer and Spirits for supporting NNCCF through Thursdays on the Blacktop at the North Valleys Shopping Center. They parked the 395 Beer Trailer at the event and donated the proceeds to NNCCF, raising $5,000.00! Participants also enjoyed food trucks, raffles, and an evening of live music. It was a great way to have fun while raising funds that support our northern Nevada families. We hope to see everyone back on the Blacktop next summer!

If your business would like to learn more about becoming a community partner, email Tiffany at









Remembering Renate

With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of NNCCF pioneer, Renate Neumann, just a few days following her 84th birthday. Renate and her husband, Peter, helped establish and support the Angel Kiss Foundation, which merged into the Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation in 2009. As a skilled pilot, Renate loved the outdoors and spent much of her time skiing, scuba diving, and backpacking. Renate was a gifted portrait and landscape artist who loved – and was loved – by all who were fortunate to know her. On behalf of the childhood cancer community, we will be forever grateful for her efforts in establishing support services for northern Nevada’s youngest cancer warriors.

Shave for the Brave

The 18th Annual Shave for the Brave was a huge success!

Thank you to everyone who joined us at our 18th Annual Shave for the Brave! The evening was amazing, and 175 heads were shaved and $154,500 was raised. The NNCCF team is still reveling in the love and bravery they experienced. It was very powerful to see men, women, and children choosing to shave their heads in support of what childhood cancer warriors often don’t have a choice in.

Every year around St. Patrick’s Day, we ask the community to “Shave for the Brave” and go bald to support childhood cancer research. In partnership with the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, NNCCF’s Annual Shave for the Brave events have raised over $3.3 million since 2006. We have shaved more than 4,000 local heads! Part of NNCCF’s mission is to advocate for increased research funds, hoping that one day our kids will be cancer-free.







Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Introducing Queen Era!

This is sweet Era. Her family came together to shave in solidarity with her when she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. No one fights alone in this family, and the NNCCF team couldn’t agree more. The warriors that we assist become part of the NNCCF family, which is why we really want a cure!

This warrior had the honor of knighting the League of Legendary Heroes at our 18th Annual Shave for the Brave. Each year we have one of our kiddos on stage to honor those who have participated three or more years at our event. This year, Era’s parents made this one-of-a-kind sword for the ceremony. It’s never too late to start your journey to knighthood; mark your calendars for next year’s event on March 4th, 2023 and shave your head for childhood cancer research!











Casey’s Closet

Please help us celebrate our Board President, Casey Stiteler. In 2001 Casey was diagnosed with a brain tumor. In 2014, along with the help of his parents, Casey formed the non-profit Casey’s Project, which provided toys, books, stuffed animals, laptops, and video equipment and donated them to hospital pediatric wards. In 2017 Casey’s Project was dissolved, and they donated the remainder of the funds to NNCCF. Our extensive toy closet offers an escape from treatment and a way to reconnect. Children battling cancer are encouraged to choose a new toy from the closet when they visit. Seeing the joy this brings is genuinely heartwarming. We honor Casey’s Project and dedicate the toy closet in our office to him by naming it Casey’s Closet.











2023 Action Days!

Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation (NNCCF) Co-Founder and Board member Shirley Folkins-Roberts, Assistant Executive Director Brigette Cole, and two NNCCF families joined with over 300 childhood cancer advocates nationwide to request funding for pediatric cancer. They participated in the 2023 Childhood Cancer Action Days at Capitol Hill to meet with members of Congress and ask them to fully fund the Childhood Cancer Star Act and Childhood Cancer Data Initiative for another year. We were thrilled to be joined by the Tyler Robinson Foundation to unite northern and southern Nevada foundations and families to share their stories and the importance of research and funding for childhood cancer. With increased funding, treatments will become more targeted, and we will get closer to finding a cure as a nation.

Attendee Caleb, diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia at 14, says, “It’s been inspirational to meet with our congressional representatives and see their concern for our journeys and requests for better treatment.”











Community Partner Spotlight

On April 24th, 2023, the Washoe County Sherriff’s Office hosted the 11th Annual Guns and Hoses Golf Tournament. This was a record-breaking year! We also want to thank everyone who contributed to helping this event run smoothly and all the participants. Shout out to our young warrior Tyler as he shared his journey to kick off the day’s festivities. Our love for this community partner event runs deep as it is a friendly competition between the local Sherriff’s office and fire stations to fundraise for childhood cancer! It was great seeing Tyler play alongside our first responders; we can’t wait for next year!

To become a community partner, email for details!









Spring Fling

We were thrilled to host our annual Spring Fling at the NNCCF office. Our kiddos were welcomed by the Easter Bunny and received baskets full of seasonal goodies thanks to Learning Express Toys of Reno, NV. We love our family events and the joy on these warriors’ faces. We could not host these events without the help of our fantastic community supporting our mission. Thank you for helping us brighten their lives.

Fall 2019 Newsletter

Know the Gold Campaign Kick-Off

Awareness Wreath for Know the Gold

Our goal this year is larger than ever – and there’s a good reason for it. Although researchers are developing new and safer therapies for children, the treatments are expensive and insurance costs are rising. As these costs increase for children, we are expanding our programs to provide more financial and emotional support to meet the needs of northern Nevada families.

This year, we aim to raise $400,000 during our Know the Gold Campaign to continue the expansion of our programs. The William N. Pennington Foundation has generously agreed to match each donation to the campaign dollar-for-dollar, up to $400,000, until January 31, 2020.

Join us for the Know the Gold Finale and 12-hour radiothon.

January 31, 2020, 6am – 6pm
Scheels, 1200 Scheels Drive, Sparks, NV 89434


Celebrating 15 years with little golfer, Brady!

On September 16, 2019, we celebrated 15 years of hosting our Tournament of Hope to support local children battling cancer. It started as a beautiful day at Montreux, but just as life brings us storms, a rainstorm breezed through the course soaking golfers, volunteers and staff head-to-toe. The storm helped remind us that local children face storms every day. We thought of their resiliency and determination to get through their diagnosis and the importance of the support from others.

We thought of these children, like Brady who teed-off the tournament, and their everyday battle with cancer. “I can’t think of a way that this diagnosis has not affected our family,” said Nicole, Brady’s mom. “It has affected us emotionally, spiritually, financially, and shook us to the core, but we will come out on the other end stronger than ever.” His story is similar to many of the other children NNCCF serves and we are doing everything in our power to ease the burden of his diagnosis. We are grateful for the many sponsors and friends that have supported this tournament over the last 15 years and we hope the sunshine after the rain reminds everyone that there is hope after a cancer diagnosis.


Bonanno Concrete/ MDB Trucking
Alston Construction

3D Concrete
Desert Fire Protection
Granite Construction
Newmont Goldcorp
Renown Children’s Hospital
Robin S. White, MD
Sierra Nevada Construction
Vasko Electric[/one_fourth][one_fourth]

Baker & Jennifer Krukow
Capital Glass
Hankin Speciality Elevators
Jensen Electric
Kidder Mathews
KS Dealer Services
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie
McDonald Carano
Morgan Stanley
New Millennium Building
NV Energy
Outlets at Legends[/one_fourth][one_fourth]
Panelized Structures
Phillips Family Foundation
RHP Mechanical
Stowe/Dwyer Charitable Fund
Tectonics Design Group
Ticor Title
Umpqua Bank
Victory Woodworks
Wood Rodgers

Krukow Family Memorial

RHP Mechanical Systems[/one_fourth][one_fourth]

Cemex Materials LLC

McDonald Carano
Ticor Title
S&S Activewear

Golden Gate Petroleum of NV
Panelized Structures
TJ Duncan[/one_fourth]




A Giant Event for Childhood Cancer Recap

The event in August was a special evening with baseball, music, hope, and San Francisco Giants Emmy award-winning broadcaster, Mike Krukow, and his wife, Jennifer. Hosted at the home of Carol Truman and Bob Phillips, supporters and friends united in the fight against cancer to support local children and research for a cure. We were joined by special guests Kristen Posey, a childhood cancer advocate, and Maddie, a local childhood cancer survivor.


Dozers & Dirt is brought to you by the former committee of the Reno Big Dig. You may
have operated a dozer or excavator before, but this year join us and get dirty digging-in
your shovels to support local children battling cancer.

Join us for the Launch Party
November 7, 2019, 4:30pm-7:30pm
Pinocchio’s Bar and Grill, 5995 S. Virginia St., Reno, NV 89502

Save the date for the main event
June 6, 2020, 10am-3pm
Rilite Aggregate Pit, 9208 Western Skies Drive, Reno, NV 89511

Winter 2020 Newsletter

20 Year Celebration at Know the Gold Radiothon

On January 31, 2020, we hosted our annual Know the Gold Radiothon at Scheels. The event marked a special occasion, as it was the finale to our 5-month-long Know the Gold fundraising campaign and launch of our 20-year celebration. Nine years ago, we raised $100,000 at our first radiothon with the help of Cumulus Media and our generous donors and community partners. This year, the goal was to reach $400,000 by the end of the radiothon, all of which would be matched dollar-for-dollar by the William N. Pennington Foundation.

Our supporters topped all records exceeding the goal by $37,000. The William N. Pennington Foundation was so inspired by the substantial community support that the final grant awarded was increased to $450,000. All of the funds that support our foundation are from local sources and help local families, and with thanks to you and our partners in the community, we can continue helping them in 2020.

We are grateful for the partnerships that have added to the success of the 5-month-long Know the Gold Campaign and Radiothon. For nine years, we have partnered with Scheels to host the radiothon and worked side-by-side with the Cumulus Media radio stations, KBUL 98.1, KKOH 780 News Talk, Wild 102.9 and 95.5 The Vibe, to promote the fundraiser. The William N. Pennington Foundation joined the cause by matching the funds raised in 2016 and has encouraged higher fundraising goals each year since.



Ringing with Hope

At the radiothon, we kicked-off our 20th year of service with a bell-ringing program. The bell serves as a symbol of hope while the child and their family endure hospital visits, chemotherapy, radiation, surgeries, and more. Not only does ringing the bell mark the end of treatment, but also the end to an often long and difficult journey with childhood cancer. We are grateful for the seven childhood cancer survivors who rang the bell again to celebrate this 20-year milestone and bring hope to all the children who have yet to ring the bell.

The program was hosted by JJ Christy with Cumulus Media, and featured special guests Doug Roberts, with Panattoni Development and NNCCF co-founder, Mike Krukow, Emmy Award-winning announcer with the San Francisco Giants, and Casey Stiteler, former NNCCF child and first childhood cancer survivor to serve on the NNCCF Board of Directors.

Krukow chose NNCCF as an organization to support two years ago and since has encouraged engagement with fans and friends. He influenced a $10,000 donation to NNCCF from the Renown Health Foundation, which was included in the Radiothon match by Pennington. His generosity, and that of our community partners, will support our families with the financial and emotional burden of childhood cancer. Krukow will also be hosting NNCCF’s signature fundraiser A Giant Event for Childhood Cancer event for NNCCF in November.

“Know that this organization is one that helps the little people who are afflicted by the worst disease. And that by you making a difference – it makes a difference for them,” said Krukow.


The Holidays at NNCCF

NNCCF experienced an outpour of support from the community during the holiday season. We had many donations of toys, blankets, books and more to make sure our families felt loved and supported. It was an unprecedented year for our Hope for the Holidays program with more than 40 new families, or families in active treatment, adopted for gifts in December.

Our annual holiday party, Polar Express and pajama themed, had more than 250 children and family members who joined in the festivities – which included face painting, crafts, DJ, photo booth, and a visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Thank you to our volunteers and partners for making the event a success.



March 20, 2020
Downtown Reno Ballroom

We want a cure for childhood cancer and safer treatments for growing bodies. NNCCF and the St. Baldrick’s Foundation are celebrating 20 years of helping children battling cancer. Can you help us raise $220,000 for childhood cancer research? We are seeking participants for the upcoming event.



June 6, 2020
Rilite Aggregate Pit
Dozers & Dirt will bring together corporate sponsors, families, and in-kind donors to give kids access to real-life construction equipment and more. This event is brought to you by the former committee of the Reno Big Dig. Ticket sales are open to the public and sponsorships are available now.

NNCCF Announces New Executive Director

Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation (NNCCF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Shirley Folkins-Roberts as the new Executive Director. Shirley has been a dedicated advocate for children with cancer since 2003 and has a longstanding history with the foundation. She is a co-founder of NNCCF, served on the Board of Directors, and led teams of Nevada families to Washington D.C. to advocate for childhood cancer research funds. In her Executive Director role at NNCCF, Shirley will continue to procure sponsorships, oversee event logistics, advocate for more research funding, and help northern Nevada families navigate their journey through childhood cancer.

Shirley comes to NNCCF with a background in northern Nevada’s development industry and worked for Panattoni Development Company. Since 2014, Shirley has been involved in more than three million square feet of commercial real estate development. Shirley became a member of the California Bar in 1993 and the Nevada Bar in 2010 and has practiced with private firms in both states. She is an active member in the community helping organizations and serving on various boards such as Rotary Club of Reno Central and REMSA. The Board of Directors and NNCCF staff are excited to see her shine in her new role at NNCCF.

Know the Gold Campaign Kick-Off

Nevada Football Kids Cancer

On September 1, NNCCF kicked off the annual Know the Gold campaign by asking community members and supporters to “Go Gold” for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. More than 100 businesses participated in raising awareness by hanging gold ribbon wreaths at their business and many included a fundraising element.

The Know the Gold Campaign is a 5-month-long community campaign to raise support and funds for northern Nevada families affected by childhood cancer. This year, the William N. Pennington Foundation will be matching donations dollar-for-dollar up to $300,000 through January 2019. To get involved, donate, or host your own fundraising event, visit for more information.

Tournament of Hope

We are incredibly grateful for another successful Tournament of Hope at Montreux Golf and Country Club. NNCCF celebrated its 14th annual golf tournament on September 18, 2018, and heard an amazing story from Juniper – she shared her journey with childhood cancer and was the first to tee off for the tournament. This year, 152 golfers raised more than $100k to support local families and children, like Juniper, affected by childhood cancer.

Thank you to our Tournament of Hope Sponsors


Panattoni Development
Bonanno Concrete / MDB Trucking


Alston Construction
Desert Fire Protection L.P.
Ferroni Foundation
Granite Construction
Newmont Mining
Renown Health
The Medical Profession, Robin S. White, MD
Vasko Electric, Inc.


Phillips Family Foundation


3D Concrete
Barrick Gold
Capital Glass
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Granite Construction
Hankin Specialty Elevators & POWERAMP
Jensen Electric Company
Kidder Matthews
NV Cement
NV Energy
Panelized Structures
Pediatric Hematology Oncology, Children’s Hospital Oakland
Prologis Management
Shintech Inc.
Silverwing Development
The Mountain West Group at Morgan Stanley
The Outlets at Legends
Umpqua Bank
Victory Woodworks


RHP Mechanical Systems


ABC Fire


Granite Construction
McDonald Carano
S&S Activewear


Golden Gate Petroleum of NV

2021 Spring Newsletter


Connecting our NNCCF Kids

Connecting our families, young adults, adolescents, and kids of all ages to facilitate relationships has always been a dream of the founders and staff at NNCCF. This year, the challenge of physical interaction at our monthly events has made this goal more difficult to achieve. But, we have come up with new and creative ways to connect our youngest cancer warriors. Drive through events such as our Halloween Costume party, Spring Fling basket pick-up and Inspire Scholarship ceremony allow families to get out and have some fun with our staff and other families from a distance. Of course our drive through bell ringing ceremonies have been exciting this year as well. On a warm summer evening, NNCCF and Peterbilt also hosted a drive-in movie for our families.

Our children and young adults have also formed relationships this year supporting each other through the cancer journey. At our Know the Gold Radiothon in February we were inspired by the bond and friendship three young women formed through their mutual cancer experiences. Pictured here is cancer survivor and new member of Renown Oncology nursing staff, Haley, supporting her friends in the fight, UNR students, Emma and Katie. High school sophomore, cancer advocate and survivor, Ivy, enjoyed helping Felina play a game at the Radiothon. The comradery that these experiences create and the opportunity to build friendships with other childhood cancer warriors can be so valuable during their very challenging journeys.


Know the Gold Celebrates 10 years!

On February 19th we celebrated the 10th annual Know the Gold Radiothon hosted by Scheel’s with our partners at Cumulus Media. The event marked a special occasion, as it was the finale to the six month long Know the Gold fundraising campaign with a goal of $500,000 to be matched by the William N. Pennington Foundation. Our supporters topped all records and exceeded the goal by $55,000, thanks to the last minute additional matching goal from Panattoni Development and Alston Construction.

Know the Gold is a grass roots community fundraising campaign made of up over 1500 small and large donations. This year it included funds from virtual events like wine tastings, mask sales, golf tournaments,  Doorstep Discos, and more! We cannot thank this incredible community enough for all they do to support us and each of you who helped us reach and exceed our goal!

Staff Highlight

Kelly Stoll, Programs and Services Coordinator

One of the first smiles our families see at NNCCF is that of Kelly Stoll. Kelly joined the NNCCF team 18 months ago, gracing the office and our family’s experiences with her love of theater, music, Disney and celebrations. This year, Kelly has helped create alternative opportunities for our families to get out of the house with a safe and fun option, including a drive-in movie night at Peterbilt. Kelly makes family support a top priority and will go to great lengths to make sure a family has the resources they need. Thank you Kelly for the sunshine that you bring to the NNCCF Team and our families.

A Giant Success!

Baseball and sports fans alike had a special experience as award winning San Francisco Giants broadcasters Mike Krukow, Duane Kuiper, Jon Miller, and Dave Flemming shared stories and memories on a virtual stage February 10th. Our very own, Kristen Remington, 2 News Evening Anchor, emceed the evening. Adding to the line-up was San Francisco Giant, multiple World Series champion and MVP catcher, Buster Posey and his wife, Kristen. Both the Posey family and the Giants organization helped promote the virtual event appealing to fans in Nevada as well as the Bay Area.

Over 300 fans had fun and were entertained in the comfort of their homes while raising much needed funds and awareness for pediatric cancer. A Giant Event for Childhood Cancer will benefit NNCCF and local children, along with supporting childhood cancer research through the Posey Family Research Grants. Save the date for our live in-person event November 10th, 2021.

Signature Fundraisers are Back

Tournament of Hope, Golf Tournament – September 20th

Dozers & Dirt – September 25th

A Giant Event for Childhood Cancer – November 10th

All In for Childhood Cancer, Poker Tournament – Date TBD

Thank You 2021 Annual Sponsors

Alston Construction • Ames Construction • Bonanno Concrete • Desert Fire Protection • Ferroni Foundation • Granite Construction • Heath Foundation • JAG Plumbing • LP Insurance Services • MDB Trucking • MNG Partners • Oxborrow Trucking and Landscape Materials • Panattoni Development • Panelized Structures • Patriot Contractors, LLCR • HP Mechanical Systems • Sierra Nevada Construction • Tectonics Design Group • The Medical Profession • The Phillips Family Foundation • Vasko • Victory Woodworks • Western Nevada Transport

Get Involved
3550 Barron Way #9a Reno, Nevada 89511
Tax ID: 20-8623503