NNCCF helps alleviate the financial burden childhood cancer places on northern Nevada families through our Family Assistance Fund.
Criteria for Assistance
Please fill out our application if you or your child meet the criteria below:
- The child or you is 0-25 years old.
- The child has a confirmed cancer diagnosis.
- The child lives in northern Nevada (our southern service border is Tonopah, Nevada).
Once we receive your application, our team will reach out to you within two business days. If you have more urgent needs or questions about the above criteria, please call our office 775-825-0888.
Do you know of someone who meets the criteria above? If so, please send the online application link (above) to the family.
Assistance Details
The Family Assistance Fund program provides financial aid to patients and families for needs such as:
- Medical expenses – Insurance copays and deductibles, uncovered procedures, medication costs, and other out-of-pocket medical expenses the family may face.
- Household expenses – Prepping the house for an immunocompromised child, mortgage or rent, utility bills, etc. We help with these expenses when a family faces a reduction in income because of time spent away from work due to treatment.
- Travel expenses related to treatment – Gas, airfare, car rental, lodging, parking fees, meals, and other expenses related to helping the patient access life-saving treatment. Whether your treatment takes you two or 2,000 miles away, we are always here to help.
- Educational expenses – Educational devices (laptops, tablets, accessories, and software), tutoring, college and career readiness courses, and other expenses related to the patient’s educational needs.
- Funeral/Bereavement expenses – Sadly, not all patients survive their diagnosis and NNCCF supports families as much as possible when this occurs. We help with end-of-life expenses including funerals, celebration of life events, burial, cremation, and obituary fees.