By Natalie Van Hoozer
NNCCF supporters, thank you all for calling, attending, and volunteering at our Know the Gold Radiothon on Friday, January 29. The energy was wonderful, and it is events like this one that help us motivate the community to make a difference in the fight against children’s cancer.
We would like to offer a special shout-out to Cumulus Broadcasting and their DJ’s for coming out to promote us. In addition to their help on the airwaves, it is wonderful to see the DJs in-person, in headsets, reporting on the event.
Speaking of people who came to Scheels, it was absolutely wonderful to have the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Executive Staff join us. When they and representatives of the Reno Bighorns, including Bighorns mascot Bruno, were there together, things really got going! Everyone stopped to watch the “Dial for Dollars.”
Wondering what that is? Our wonderful community partners made phone calls while riding the super awesome Ferris wheel to raise funds!
On top of that, we had volunteers hard at work running the phone banks and receiving online donations ALL DAY! We even had some local groups like sororities come out and support us by helping to make hand-drawn cards!
All of these combined efforts helped us to earn $128,950.71, and the William N. Pennington Foundation matched $120,000! We would like to acknowledge the contributions of Conway Communications, Cumulus Broadcasting, Scheels, and Crown Beverages; without their support, this event would not have been possible!