Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation
3550 Barron Way #9a • Reno, Nevada 89511
My experience at NNCCF during a month-long sabbatical

My experience at NNCCF during a month-long sabbatical

By: Rachel Kiserow
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 and underwent surgery, chemo, and radiation in 2012, I realized how critical it was for me to somehow show my gratitude for all of the help and support I received during that difficult time. So, I helped organize Charles River’s annual bake sale in 2016 that benefitted a local charity. I learned about the Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation (NNCCF), and after being educated on what NNCCF does for our local community, I felt like I didn’t do enough.

That’s what led me to request my month-long sabbatical to be spent at NNCCF.  I was compelled to give back in a meaningful and lasting way. And now that my sabbatical has come to a close, I hope I’ve contributed to the good work that is done by the people of NNCCF each day.  My passion to do more for NNCCF stays with me, and I want to continue to give and volunteer in any way I can for years to come.

My experience at NNCCF has been an unforgettable one, and so much of that has to do with the wonderful people that work day-in and day-out at NNCCF. NNCCF’s work is unlike any other work I’ve ever experienced.  They are driven by the children and families that need their help the most – they take their work to heart and carry an immense obligation to help families in need.  In my short time with NNCCF, I felt this prevailing sentiment each day I was volunteering and I was fortunate enough to witness NNCCF’s impact on children and their families. The experience also gave me a clear understanding of what it means to truly volunteer – to give of yourself without any benefit in return.

Charles River’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program has grown since inception just a few years ago with an increasing number of employees participating.  Charles River has worked with a number of local, national, and world –wide non-profits because we believe that giving back to our community is crucial to our work and an important part of our employee’s lives.  With our growing number of employees world-wide, the impact on our communities will be exponential if we can all do a little something to give back to those that need a helping hand.  I feel fortunate to work for a corporation that makes community service and volunteerism a priority and for being afforded the opportunity to volunteer for a month at NNCCF. It is an experience that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

I’m convinced of this,
Good done anywhere
Is good done everywhere.”

~Maya Angelou

“Salamat is thank you in Tagalog (Filipino).  Salamat for opening your doors and your arms to me this last month and for making me feel so much a part of the team.  I feel truly blessed for the opportunity to help an organization that does so much good every single day.  You’ve given me an invaluable experience and a glimpse into the selfless work you do each day and the immense impact you have on our local children and families affected by cancer. Our community is so very fortunate to have an organization like NNCCF here, and I’m better off having gotten the chance to get to know all of you

Thank you for all that you do! Count on me for coming back and volunteering again soon!”

– Rachel Kiserow, Human Resources Representative, Charles River

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3550 Barron Way #9a Reno, Nevada 89511
Tax ID: 20-8623503