Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation
3550 Barron Way #9a • Reno, Nevada 89511
Why we do it

Shave for the Brave – Why we do it and how to get involved.

By: Lindsey Gross
Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation is striving to make Shave for the Brave 2018 the best event yet. Our 2018 shave is right around the corner and is hosted at the Reno Ballroom on March 16, 2018, starting at 6:00 pm and ending when the last head is shaved!

Shave for the Brave 2018 is a family-friendly event and we encourage supporters to come out and watch the spectacle. The event is the day before St. Patrick’s Day – expect to see creativity with costumes and team t-shirts. There is a minimum donation of $100 to shave at the event, but entry to attend and support is free.

Click to join our Shave for the Brave 2018 event:
*Note: this link will lead to 2019 event*
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NNCCF contributes to childhood cancer research by hosting the Shave for the Brave fundraising event for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. This year, we are celebrating our 13th Shave for the Brave event. Considering our foundation is not a research organization, hosting this fundraiser is an opportunity for us to support pediatric cancer research through the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. Last year, the St. Baldrick’s Foundation supported childhood cancer research grants and advocacy with $30,537,369.

Why is fundraising for NNCCF’s Shave for the Brave event important? Here are two facts that you should know:

Here’s how our Shave for the Brave event works: “Shavees” raise money by collecting pledges from family members and friends in support of childhood cancer research. Shavees can fundraise individually or join a team.  “Barbers” are certified cosmetologists or barbers that volunteer for the event, and shave participants’ heads with clippers until all hair is gone! Men, women, and children participate in this inspiring event.

To find current teams or to make your own click here. The fundraising platform is easy to use, and you can conveniently share your page with family and friends.

 “They say two heads are better than one, so a whole team of bald heads is way better than one bald head. Teams can fundraise together (try a car wash or group garage sale) and encourage one another before, during, and after your head shaving event.” – St. Baldrick’s Foundation.

Need help fundraising? Check out these fundraising tips and tricks from St. Baldrick’s. Please do not fundraise via Facebook. All donations made through Facebook fundraisers go directly to the St. Baldrick’s general donation fund, and cannot be transferred to participants, teams, events or other pages.

If you are interested in donating click here. Consider choosing an individual or team that needs a little extra support!

2017 Stats

NNCCF’s Shave for the Brave 2017 in Reno raised $227,079 for childhood canc­er research. More than 240 people shaved their heads, 21 barbers volunteered their time, and more than 300 people attended. The event made it into St. Baldrick’s Top 20 largest fundraising events. Our top three Shave for the Brave 2017 teams’ accomplishments are below:

Your support is needed to help our teams reach new goals. Each team will be selflessly fundraising around our community to support childhood cancer research. Many teams honor a child that has been affected by cancer, and your donation will help recognize those children and their journey with cancer. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our event contact

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3550 Barron Way #9a Reno, Nevada 89511
Tax ID: 20-8623503